Patient Opinion tag bubbles show you how people tag their stories. You can see what people think was good and what can be improved (green and red respectively).
The bubbles are interactive, allowing you to delve into the stories behind the tags; what is it about communication people think is poor? What are staff doing that makes people speak so highly of them?
Click on the picture to play with the interactive bubbles!
We are hosting a special webinar on 10th August at 2pm, join in to learn:
- How to create your own tag bubbles for services/dates/locations
- How to save and share these
- How to interpret the bubbles
This webinar is open to all our subscribers, you can register for the session below
Register for the Visualisation Webinar
To register just clink the link above and fill in the form. It's that simple!
When you get your confirmation email, click 'add this meeting to your calendar', which downloads a calendar item sfor you to accept.
5 minutes before the session is due to start, click on the "join meeting link" in your email or calendar item and follow the instructions. If you need any help with logging in to WebEx, here's a quick guide.
If you need any help or advice, call or email your usual subscriber support contact, or:
- email: subscriber.support@patientopinion.org.uk
- phone: 0114 281 6256
See you there!
Webinar: Using visualisations
Webinar: Using visualisations https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/41-images/444a1e0de2f347d1a50a2a65acfdb5a4.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Subscriber Support Team
Posted by Sarah Ashurst, Subscriber Services Manager, Subscriber Support Team, on
Thanks for your feedback.