Dear Friend/ Relative,
I am writing to inform you of a couple of changes to the visiting Procedure at The Wells Road Centre. These relate to feedback we have received from our visitor’s postcards box based in reception. It shows that there have been some issues with communication in booking in visits which has meant that some visitors have turned up and not been expected despite calling the wards and booking in.
The centralised visitor’s book was previously held by the Unit Coordinator but this has now been handed over to the reception staff as we noted that the Unit Coordinator would often be sidetracked by other duties or would not be available at the time of booking. I am sorry if you have experienced such problems and I hope that this action improves communication in this respect.
We have also changed procedure in relation to the amount of items which can be brought in for patients on visits. Previously there was a ‘4 item only’ rule however we feel that this is too restrictive and we have had some problems with what classes as an item (for example: is a multipack one item?)
The reason we do need to be careful about how much people bring in for patients is because there is limited storage space on wards for patients. Patients have a locker each where they can keep food items and some fridge space; we also want to promote making healthy lifestyles by not consuming too many snack type items.
All items being brought into the unit have to be searched which can be time consuming as well if excessive amounts are brought in.
Please let me know if you have any comments or questions about the content of this message or if you have any other feedback on the service or suggestions. (Please note this information will be sent out to all visitors via letter).
01159691300 ext 11104/ 10660
Changes to visiting procedure
Changes to visiting procedure Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngChange from Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Posted by Gregg Murray, Operational Manager , The Wells Road Centre, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, on
About: Forensic mental health / Low secure services
Thanks for your feedback.