Getting to the heart of the matter

Update from Care Opinion Scotland

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picture of Gina Alexander

Ben was hot of the press with a blog following the Learning event for Clinical Teams we held on 25th October.  

We wanted to share all the good things of the day and beyond.    So here goes...

#poClinical - presentations

We've chopped up the audio we recorded on the day into what we hope are bite-sized chunks.  Listen in conjunction with each presenters powerpoint slide deck.

James Munro, CEO, Patient opinion - audio (29 mins), presentation

Shaun Maher, Clinical Improvement Lead, Scottish Government - audio (27 mins), presentation

Gill Ogden, Clinical Service Manager, NHS Fife - audio (10 mins), presentation

Neil Cruikshank, Clinical Lead, NHS Fife - audio (11 mins), for Neil's slides see end of Gillian Ogden's presentation

#poClinical Storify

We pulled together the tweets from #poclinical with Storify which means the Twitterless amongst us can read about what happened. ;-)

Opening ourselves up to Patient Opinion

Another amazing spin off from #poClinical is this blog from Claire Copeland (@sparklystar) which was published this week by the BMJ.  Thanks Claire!

Post event activity

The post event chat and activity has been so encouraging:-

Yvonne Moulds has taken delivery of some Patient Opinion and Monkey materials with a view to encouraging feedback in Children’s ED in Crosshouse.

Claire Gordon has been in touch with Gwen McIntyre for some help, advice and info.

Claire Smith and Maggie Higgins are off to visit Gill in NHS Fife in the new year.

Maggie has also invited the PO Scotland team onto her patch where we’ll hopefully kick start things there.

We’ve been involved in an email conversation with Andrew Murray and his Chairperson.

We’re off to D&G in December – Ken you might not know it yet but we’re coming to see you and Gracie!  #fingerscrossed.

Claire Copeland is whipping up interest amongst her colleagues in FV.

Gill Paterson is working on Realistic Medicine with the CMO – we’re going to help her find helpful stories connected to this work.

That’s only the things we know about!

And, finally,

Finally, someone wrote this to me following the event…

You have changed me….

So I am retiring now whilst the going is good.

Big thanks to everyone who participated, showed interest and supported the event including Jane Davies from NES who organised the venue.  

We'd be fascinated to hear from any clinicians out there interested in using Patient Opinion and/or participating in a similar event.

Response from Ian Reeves, Consultant Physician, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde on

Thank you for posting these, I'm listening to Shaun just now, and it's easing the pain of not having been there.

I find i'm using the word 'attentive' more often in clinical work, we all seem to be huddle based and superficial. I find my most important moments are when I sit with patients, and talk with them.

I think we need to do more work on the QI science of analysis data points, and consecutive +ve stories etc, but would be happy to help from a GG&C perspective if I can.

Response from Ian Reeves, Consultant Physician, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde on

I haven't seen any of the data filtered down to 'shop floor' level in Glasgow yet, but if there is a way to access this, I'd be interested in seeing the GG&C data and word clouds.

Response from Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion on

You should have access to all the exciting bubbles and clouds Ian - you're on the GGC subscription as a responder.  Look for the Save my search as button...Take a look and email us if it's not clear. :-)

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