We are listening – and communicating through social media

Update from NHS Lanarkshire

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About: NHS Lanarkshire

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picture of Pauline Downie


Social Media – another great way to communicate!

Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) love to communicate!Our job is to support people with speech, language, communication and swallowing difficulties. Over the past year our Children and Young People’s service has been using social media such as Twitter and Facebook to improve our own communication and improve access to information and advice for people who need us.                                                                                       

Love it or loathe it, no-one can deny that over the past ten years social media has transformed the way people communicate. As a speech and language therapist, I view social media as just another form of communication that is as valuable and valid as speaking, signing, symbols or electronic speech aids.

Social media can have great benefits for people with communication difficulties as it can help them to connect with family, friends and the wider world. It can also help professionals connect with one another and the people who need their support, sharing ideas and resources.

 I interviewed our SLT social media team to find out more about the benefits of using social media:

What difference has using social media made to our clients and staff?

It is a powerful and wide reaching way to communicate. We have been able to reach vulnerable people who find it hard to access SLT and provide information on local services.
We have had great feedback about our hints and tips for communication.
We have raised awareness of speech, language and communication needs and raised the profile of SLTs.



Have there been any drawbacks?

Some people are fearful of using social media and also don’t have the technical skills but by setting up a team we have learned more and have also helped other departments. Remember it is a conversation with people; social media is just the vehicle for this.


What is unique about social media as a way to communicate?

People have easy, instant access from home. It is a quick and efficient way to communicate. It is interactive and we usually reply to questions within 24 hours.


What advice would you give to people using social media?

Be clear about your purpose for using social media and who your target audience are.
Plan your topics monthly but also be also be flexible enough to respond to posts
Keep up the interactions - build your online relationships.

Embrace the positive aspects of social media and add it to your communication toolbox!

If you would like to join the conversation you can find us here:


If you have an experience of the Speech and Language Therapy Service you would like to share, please speak to a member of staff, respond on Patient Opinion, or visit the “Your Feedback” Section of the NHS Lanarkshire website to see the other ways to get in touch www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk

May I wish you all a Happy and Healthy 2017!

With thanks to the SLT Social Media Team: Karen Dixon, Stephanie Glacken, Amy Dignon, Leigh Titterington and Sarah Mundle.

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