St Andrew’s is the UK’s leading charity providing specialist NHS care. We are a unique and influential pioneer in mental health, and have been using Patient Opinion since November 2016.
At St Andrew’s Healthcare, we pride ourselves in being open, honest and direct when it comes to feedback, and have taken a proactive approach by going directly to patients for feedback with astonishing and inspiring results. Each person is individual, so in our view, a blanket approach would not do. Everyone has got a story to tell, and we want to hear it.
We go directly to our patients to collect stories from them so that they know who we are and that we are not a faceless department who will not act on their feedback.
Giving feedback a physical presence has allowed us to cultivate a successful and effective way of collecting stories. We find that going directly to patients on wards to collect feedback an excellent way to build relationships, and ensure we are approachable and empathetic. Our patients have restricted access to the internet, and respond well to our face to face approach. It gives us that personal touch.
We make giving feedback fun, and find that patients want to give their opinion, giving us wonderful insight into the running of the service. We encourage them to participate in games whilst having conversations and, try new things, feedback is given on a one to one basis. We have the option of using the resource pack, or using the leaflets provided by Patient Opinion. I normally collect the stories by writing them down, then uploading them onto the PO site. Some patients write the stories down themselves.
We build a sense of trust, as sometimes, people feel that when giving feedback, it’s not going to be listened to, or they could be identified. Using Patient Opinion allows us to protect the anonymity of people whilst gathering feedback. Currently, I am both collecting and uploading stories, but we are adding more staff day by day so that collecting feedback can grow across the service. We also now have trained 6 patients to help us collect stories from their peers.
As a direct outcome, we have seen a flurry of feedback, and both patients and staff feel listened to. We print out stories and feedback; I find that printing out responses a good way of showing service users that feedback is read and responded to, as well as inspiring others to give their stories.
Since working with Patient Opinion, we have seen a major change in the willingness of patients to give feedback, and this has also impacted on increasing staff morale. It is easy to get bogged down with the negatives, but since we adopted a proactive way of collecting feedback our staff have relished the outcomes. Many stories we get are from patients simply looking for a way of thanking staff. Even in a negative story patients will often share an aspect of positivity from their care which is refreshing.
Because we have direct feedback on a ward to ward basis, staff can act quickly on feedback if changes need/can be made.
Going forward, we will involve more staff across all our services using a phased roll out of Patient Opinion. Staff are responding amazingly to stories on PO, which is about ensuring they feel supported and understanding that it’s all about listening.
We are excited and inspired by the feedback we have received so far, and look forward to the future, putting patients in the driving seat of our healthcare service.
Everyone has got a story to tell, and we want to hear it.
Everyone has got a story to tell, and we want to hear it. Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngChange from St Andrew's Healthcare
Posted by Sophia Feurtado, Head of Patient Experience, Quality and Governance, St Andrew's Healthcare, on
About: St Andrew's Healthcare
Response from Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion on 25 Jan 2017 at 16:04
Hi Sophia
I really enjoyed reading your blog and finding out more about what happens to generate such the range of rich and varied stories we see. I love the fact that feedback has had "astonishing and inspiring results"!
We'd love to see more organisations in like yours, who provide mental health services and support, encouraging the use of online feedback. We will certainly be referring to your blog as we continue to raise awareness across Scotland.
Many thanks for taking the time to share.
All the best
Response from Sophia Feurtado, Head of Patient Experience, Quality and Governance, St Andrew's Healthcare on 25 Jan 2017 at 18:21
Hello Gina
Thank you sincerely for your comments. It is really helpful for us to receive feedback and know that our approach may help and encourage others. We appreciate the platform that Patient Opinion has provided. If I can be of help to you in anyway, please let me know.
With Best wishes