Care Opinion for health professional education: two workshops in 2017

Update from Care Opinion

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picture of James Munro

Last summer we ran #poEducate, an event exploring whether public online feedback about health and care services could be useful in professional education. We were amazed by the enthusiasm and energy of participants, and the desire to see our work in education develop further.

So we've decided to do it again in 2017 - but this time, doubled! We'll be holding two workshops, one in England and another in Scotland, and we hope to widen the conversation about bringing real-time patient experience into the curriculum for the health professionals of the future.

Our two half-day (afternoon) workshops will be:

18 July, Bristol

14 September, Stirling

There will be an opportunity to hear from educators already using online feedback in practice, others who are planning how to develop this, and of course directly from the Care Opinion team about our mission and how our platform is evolving. Lots of discussion and networking!

At Care Opinion we think patient stories can be powerful in building understanding, compassion and insight. And at this point I will pinch a slide from Dorothy Armstrong, who knows far more about this than I do.

Benefits of learning from stories

The workshops are free, but it is essential to register in advance because capacity is limited. To find out more, or to register, please contact Kate Williams at Care Opinion.

And if you're keen to explore further ahead of time, the slides from #poEducate are all still available. And here's a personal view I wrote for the BMJ a while ago.

Do feel free to post questions or comments to this post.

Response from Elli Bliss on

Good morning,

What time are these workshops please?

Kind regards


Response from James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion on

Hi Elli

Thanks for your interest!

The Bristol workshop will be 12 - 4:30pm. The Stirling one is likely to be similar.

Hope that helps.


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