The Family and Friends Forum met on 22.4.17. There were twelve friends and relatives who attended.
Peer Review
We talked about the Peer Review which is happening on 16.5.17 and 17.5.17. The Low Secure Peer review is run by the Royal College of Psychiatrists and compares our service with other Low Secure services. There are usually around 5 members of a Peer review. The members are clinicians and patients from other hospitals.
They speak to staff, patients and relatives to see how we match up to the National Low Secure Standards. Last year we were rated 3rd best Low Secure hospital in the country. Thank you to those of you who have completed questionnaires.
Work skills
Members of the Occupational Therapy Department presented the work skills pathway which is available to patients within the hospital.
This includes an initial interview to identify whether an individual has work as a goal, followed by the possibility of work placements within the hospital, supported by Occupational Therapy staff:
Car valeting
Customer service in both the Coffee Bar and shop.
Animal husbandry
A new work experience placement has been developed in the Hotel Services kitchen.
Patients can join the job club and further develop skills in preparation for applying for jobs. It is hoped that these opportunities will increase confidence and knowledge ready for the workplace.
Patients will be supported into employment as part of their recovery journey.
Patients are able to achieve qualifications in English, Math’s and Information and Communication Technology through the Education Coordinator. They are also encouraged to access college courses in the community where appropriate. Vocational courses are available to support working roles. The current ‘Recovery College Courses’ available at The Wells Road Centre involve patients in developing and reviewing which courses will benefit them.
Spinney Meadow and Tour
Part of the presentation was on opportunities available in the development of Spinney Meadow a 3 acre piece of land within the secure fence. Spinney Meadow currently houses chickens, rabbits and goats. Patients are involved in looking after the animals. They are also able to attend horticulture and further work skills opportunities such as construction skills. Taster sessions in painting and decorating, plastering and bricklaying were held last year.
We went on a brief tour of Spinney Meadow and feedback received was positive. Patients were able to answer questions from Family and Friends about their involvement down there.
There was a lively discussion where people shared personal experience and opinions. A point was raised about how we can’t solely focus on work skills without helping patients with their individual problems. We agreed with the point but explained that the presentation of the day was on an aspect of care and treatment and not the whole care package available. Future Family and Friends Forums will aim to continue to provide more information on these different aspects of care.
Family and Friends Information Leaflets
The Family and Friends information Leaflets explain useful information on The Wells Road Centre. They are available in reception and copies can be sent out by contacting Gregg Murray. This has recently been updated and will continue to be given out when new patients are admitted by Social Workers. Family and Friends opinions are welcomed on the content of the leaflets so get in touch if you would like to see any changes.
I would personally like to thank those of you who attended for your contributions and for making it such an enjoyable event. Invites for the July event are in the post.
Gregg Murray
Deputy Matron
Wells Road Family and Friends Forum
Wells Road Family and Friends Forum Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Posted by Gregg Murray, Operational Manager , The Wells Road Centre, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, on
About: Forensic mental health / Low secure services
Thanks for your feedback.