On 31 May 2017, NHS Borders officially launched the use of Care Opinion at the Borders General Hospital. Two sessions attended by over 60 members of staff heard the benefits of using this feedback platform and the opportunities to learn and improve on receipt of this feedback from our patients and their families.
We were privileged to hear directly from Gina Alexander and Ben Simmons from Care Opinion on how we can use this valuable tool as part of our daily interactions with patients and families. Shaun Maher, Strategic Adviser for Person Centred Care from the Scottish Government, also shared how Care Opinion can help us to deliver safe, effective and person centred care.
Dr Lynn McCallum, Consultant Physician & Head of Service for Unscheduled Care, Acute Medicine, provided an insight on how our Medical Assessment Unit actively promote the use of Care Opinion with their patients. Dr McCallum explained how she has listened to the feedback shared by her patients and made changes according to their collective feedback.
NHS Borders want to encourage our patients to give us feedback on their experiences of using our services and hope to see lots of stories shared on a regular basis. Please tell all your friends and family about Care Opinion and let us know what we have done well and what we could do even better. If you have had a negative experience, we want to know that too so we can try and make changes to make it better for you and any other patients coming to use our services.
There is so much you can learn when you just listen
There is so much you can learn when you just listen https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/59-images/9dee46a26fa942efbbb6b4f67f3c913b.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from NHS Borders
Posted by Karen Maitland, Clinical Service Manager - Primary Care, NHS Borders, on
About: Borders General Hospital NHS Borders
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