Are you responsible for responding to stories on Care Opinion? Well, we have a new feature for you to sink your teeth into! You can now post a response on behalf of another member on your subscription.
We strongly encourage that wherever possible, the most appropriate member of staff within a service should respond to a story about their service, simply because they are better placed to do so and story authors really appreciate that. For example, it's great to see ward managers responding to ward specific stories, and clinicians responding to clinical feedback.
However, we also understand that it can be very difficult for front-line staff to find the time to personally post a response to these stories. Because of this, it's often more practical to email their response to another Care Opinion subscription member who is better placed to post a response on their behalf e.g a member of the patient experience team. That's why we have created this new feature, to make this process easier for everyone involved; the person writing the response, the person posting the response, and of course not forgetting the story author, who'll receive the response from the right person, in a timely manner. Win-win right?
How to use this new feature
For a responder (member 1) to post a response on behalf of another member of staff (member 2), then member 2 must be on the subscription as a responder. You cannot post a response on behalf of someone who isn't on your subscription with responding rights.
Step 1: All you need to do is find the story that you need to post the response for.
Step 2: Above the response text box it says "This response is from", with a box next to it that says "me". Click the arrow in this box to open a drop down menu and select "Someone else in my subscription".
Step 3: Another line will appear below that says "The response author is" with another box next to it. Type in the name of the member of staff that you wish to respond on behalf of and select their name from the list.
Step 4: Type in or copy and paste the response from that member of staff and click "send your response".
Or simply see the example int he GIF below...
If you have any questions about using this feature or are having any problems at all, just get in touch! subscriber.support@careopinion.org.uk
Respond on Behalf of Other Members on your Sub!
Respond on Behalf of Other Members on your Sub! https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/27-images/8c5eee128d114e49aa9c4117851e7137.gif Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngChange from Care Opinion tech
Posted by Cally Bowman, Support and Social Media officer, Care Opinion, on
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