Our clinical teams programme is underway

Update from Care Opinion

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Immersive Reader
picture of James Munro

Today in Stirling, Care Opinion took a big step forward. Our palliative and end of life care programme, supporting 12 clinical teams for two years, formally began with an induction day for all the participating teams.

This innovative programme is a partnership with Hospice UK, and supported by the Scottish Government. The teams on the programme were selected in an open, competitive application process, and represent a diversity of hospice, hospital and community care services in different parts of the UK.

Varied they may be, but these teams have some important things in common: a desire to hear directly and honestly from their patients and families, to respond openly to them, and to act on their feedback to make things better for future patients. And to do all of this online, in public, on Care Opinion, while also sharing their learning as they go.

We recognise the courage and commitment that takes.

Here are the clinical teams we are privileged to work with on this programme:

  • Children's Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS)
  • Kilbryde Hospice
  • Strathcarron Hospice
  • Highland Palliative Care Quality Improvement Group
  • NHS Borders, Margaret Kerr Unit
  • NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, QEUH palliative care team
  • NHS Tayside, hospital and community palliative care teams
  • NHS Tayside, renal service
  • Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, palliative care team
  • United Lincs Hospitals Trust, specialist palliative care team
  • Rennie Grove Hospice Care
  • North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust, Macmillan specialist palliative care team

We are looking forward to encouraging and supporting each of these teams on their Care Opinion journey.

Our teams and reference group members

In addition, we are grateful for the deep expertise and experience of our expert reference group for this programme:

  • Sarah Russell, Hospice UK
  • Eilidh MacDonald, Hospice UK Scotland
  • Tim Warren, Scottish Government
  • Mark Hazelwood, Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care
  • Elaine Colville, NHS Education for Scotland
  • Michelle Church, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  • Tim Norwood, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  • James Munro, Care Opinion

We will be sharing the learning of the programme openly as we go along, both here on the blog, and through Twitter using the #coTeams hashtag. If you are interested in this work, feel free to post a response below or contact us directly.

Response from Jane McFarlane, Clinical Nurse Manager, Nursing, CHAS on

An excellent Induction day! Great to meet the experts and other participants. Looking forward to the next steps

Response from Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion on

It felt really important to get everyone in the room so thanks to everyone for making the effort to be there.

There was such overwhelming positivity and enthusiasm in the room.

We're looking forward to the journey, learning from you all and watching you learn from each other and, of course, the stories shared.


Response from ElaineColville on

So good to meet everyone, a very well organised and informative day. Very excited to see how the participating teams learn and develop from the feedback.


Response from Jo Clarke, Head of Education, Rennie Grove Hospice Care on

Fabulous day spent in Stirling learning about Care Opinion, meeting the team and other participants in what looks to be an exciting 2 years ahead.  Jo

Response from Shona Dickson, Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist in Palliative Care, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership, NHS Tayside on

Really enjoyed the day and can't wait to start!

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