Exploration into Care Opinion
Following an exciting day shared with the Care Opinion Team in Stirling with the launch of PEOLC # co teams on September 13th, Rennie Grove has been busy paving the way for launch by drip feeding the concept at all meetings attended across the organisation and gaining senior clinical team buy into the project.
In touch early with Sarah and the team in Sheffield helped us focus on the key issues with regard to responders / administrators and the key teams who we need to request for reporting purposes. These discussions and some samples of resources helped us to focus on the key areas of publication for the initial roll out.
We now have all of the senior clinical team on line as responders but still have some work to do with photos and a little more definition in role descriptions.
Jo Clarke, Jane Sahota and myself will be the core administrators to monitor the site on a daily basis and we are working on a protocol/process to be shared and agreed with the Senior Clinical Team to acknowledge the importance of prompt and transparent reporting in order to ensure that we honour the time patients and carers have spent feeding back their stories.
This month we are taking the presentation around the teams. Today I shared the project with some slides, stories resources and time for questions and answers with the team at Grove House Clinical Team.
We now plan to visit all of the Hospice at Home team meetings over the next few weeks to ensure that all clinical teams are aware of the project and rationale before launch. We have already had interested staff wanting to act as demonstrators at Grove House to support Patients and Carers who may want to feed back on the care opinion website once launched.
We are excited but aware that we still have a lot of work to do, oh that I had a few more pairs of hands and days in the week!!! Hoping for launch in November date to be confirmed.
Good luck and persevere all you Peolc peeps!!!
Heather, Jo and Jane
Exploration into Care Opinion
Exploration into Care Opinion https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/64-images/20cadb7e3eae402684bd016a564050ed.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Rennie Grove Hospice Care
Posted by Jo Clarke, Head of Education, Rennie Grove Hospice Care, on
About: Rennie Grove Hospice Care
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