The most visited pages on Care Opinion are (of course) our story pages. Stories are, after all, the heart of what we do. And because stories are about health and care services, our service pages are the second most visited pages on the site.
On each service page, you'll find service details like location, type and who provides it. You'll also see the latest stories about the service, along with summary statistics showing the current activity: the number of stories, response rate, number of changes made and staff listening. All very helpful.
Until now all our service pages have all looked a bit, well... samey. So I'm excited to say that, as of now, Care Opinion subscribers can update their service pages in ways which make them look a bit different, and at the same time make them more helpful to the 100,000 site visitors we see each week.
What can we do to our service pages?
If your subscription is linked to a specific service, like a health board or an NHS trust (or even just a specific department), then your subscription admins can customise the service pages within your subscription.
Currently, the parts of the page you can customise are:
- the image
- the service description
- an additional link
These page properties can be set once across all your services (like the whole trust or health board), and can also be set differently for specific services, like a specific care home, hospital, department or unit.
For example, the service page for Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS FT has an image, description and link which apply to the trust as a whole.
By contrast Newark Hospital, one of the services provided by the trust, has its own image, description and link.
If required, each individual service provided at Newark Hospital could also have it's own properties set. By default, each individual service will simply "inherit" the custom properties of Newark Hospital (the "parent" service).
By customising your own service pages, you can help them to stand out, as well as giving site users more information about services, and linking back to your own site too.
Brighten up your service pages
Brighten up your service pages https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/27-images/9914fb2ab0d747e697f1a617836a1475.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngChange from Care Opinion tech
Posted by James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion, on
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