Unusually, today I'm sharing a new feature which anyone who logs into Care Opinion can use. And by anyone I mean story authors, staff, students and even us on the Care Opinion team.
It's a simple feature but a really useful one: stories you have read recently.
Yes, that's all it is! But I know that once you use it, you'll love it.
How to see your recently read stories
First, you have to be logged in. Then, there are two ways to see the list of stories you read recently:
- If you are a subscriber, you'll see a top yellow bar. Click [Recently read] to see the recently read list.
- If you don't have a top yellow bar, or if you like keyboard shortcuts, just press Shift + Alt + R. (That's all 3 keys together).
Either method will open the list.
How to use the recently read list
Your list will look something like this:
To go to a story you read before, just click the story title.
To see all stories by an author, click the author name.
If you are a subscriber, you can view all stories in your history, or filter to just stories within your current subscription.
Searching within stories you have read
If you need to search for a story you have read, click the link at the bottom of the panel:
This link will take you to search page, with a search term already added to filter to just "stories I have read", like this:
Now you can add any other search terms you want, like services, tags, or phrases, as you would in any search.
You can also use this search to create a report based on stories you have read.
How to close the panel
There are two ways to close the panel:
- Click the X at the top of the panel.
- Press Shift + Alt + R again.
Either method will close the panel.
That's it! I hope you like it. As usual, let us know if you have ideas for improvement.
Remember your history
Remember your history https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/27-images/a089355864ee4640a01322729858a0a8.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngChange from Care Opinion tech
Posted by James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion, on
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