So the saying goes. We believe there’s a lot to be said for that.
Three years ago, I wrote a blog about how we were helping to make sure that all kinds of voices are heard. That was when we launched our BSL (British Sign Language) clips on our website.
Today I am blogging about our latest feature designed to help even more people have a voice on Care Opinion: picture stories.
On 12th September 2013 I attended the launch of Talking Mats Digital and was amazed at the potential of images and pictures in helping people to share their likes, dislikes, thoughts and opinions. A few chats with Talking Mats and one joint proposal to Life Changes Trust later and we had secured the funding to see if we could make picture stories happen.
Today is the official launch of picture stories at the Life Changes Trust Gathering in Perth.
The new feature has been designed with people affected by dementia in mind and a number of stories have already been shared some of which have already led to changes being made.
Talking Mats and Care Opinion share many values, one of which is inclusivity. It was important to both organisations that people affected by dementia could share their experiences using pictures in the same space and in that same way as everyone else using Care Opinion. We think we’ve achieved this and in doing so, it now means that anyone using Care Opinion has options to share their story in:
- Pictures; or
- Words; or
- Pictures and words!
As such, we’re not surprised that lots of other people are choosing to use pictures too, including primary school children who were participating in an in-school health and wellbeing programme.
This official launch is only the beginning. We will continue to look for more opportunities to work with the dementia community, with health and care providers, advocacy organisations and with individuals.
We are also excited and hopeful about the opportunities that pictures stories bring to many others who find communicating in “just words” tricky.
Will you?
- take a look?
- share your story?
- tell one other person about picture stories
- help someone to share their story?
And finally, let us know what you think, we do like a bit of feedback. 😉
A picture is worth a thousand words…
A picture is worth a thousand words… https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/1-images/16dc54446dc649299839f4188a6b3389.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion, on
Thanks for your feedback.