Building a culture of listening with online feedback

Update from Care Opinion

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Immersive Reader
picture of James Munro

Tuesday 19 June, 10:30am - 3:30pm

Reed Hall, University of Exeter

I'm excited to share that the Care Opinion team will be back in my glorious home town of Exeter (yes, really) on 19 June, with a workshop for health and care staff interested in learning more about Care Opinion.

Whether you are brand new to Care Opinion and need to understand what we do and why we do it, or you are an old hand but want to catch up with latest developments (and even influence what we do next), this workshop is for you. It will be informal, informative and, we hope, inspiring too!

Our speakers include:

  • Karen Holden, Associate Director of Patient Centred Care, Taunton & Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
  • Frazer Underwood, Associate Chief Nurse, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Rebecca Baines, research assistant, University of Plymouth

Our focus for the day will be on working with online feedback to create impact for patients and staff alike, through listening, learning and improving.

Rebecca has recently undertaken research into service user perspectives on high quality responses to online feedback.

Listening to patients, learning to improve

We expect the workshop to be of interest to anyone working in:

  • patient experience
  • user involvement or public engagement
  • service leadership, whether you are clinical or non-clinical
  • quality improvement or organisational development

Lunch will be provided.

The workshop is free but places are strictly limited, and registration is essential. If you would like to attend, please contact

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