There's been a change made at Notts Healthcare Forensic Services! There is now a Divisional Patient Experience, Improvement and Involvement Group!
The way we communicate with patients in Forensic services is improving due to patients telling us how and where they want to hear about feedback and what has been done after they leave the feedback and any updates.
Patients told us that some people were not able to access the Care Opinion feedback shared from patients around Forensic services or the replies that were being given by staff.
From this, a new information sheet for patients has been produced. As some forensic patients have no access to the internet it has been vital to ensure that patients are fully involved in the conversation and that they are listened to in the same way as anyone else. Our feedback volunteers are helping to capture some of this feedback based on themes that have emerged from patient forums.
Nigel Groves, Involvement and Experience Lead, Forensic Services, Involvement Team and the staff in our forensic services have been unafraid to challenge and change the culture of Forensic Services and to find better ways to listen and communicate with our patients who may not be able to use or access the internet.
Thank you to our patients, volunteers and staff to make this approach work in services which can be challenging at times. Most importantly it changes lives, services and culture.
Read on and see what patients and staff are saying.
Care Opinion Update Forensic Services
Care Opinion Update Forensic Services Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngChange from Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Posted by Involvement & Experience Officer, Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, on
About: Forensic mental health Rampton Hospital Arnold Lodge Regional Secure Unit Forensic mental health / Low secure services Wathwood Hospital
Thanks for your feedback.
Response from Joanna Rapson, Volunteering Services Manager, Involvement, Experience & Volunteering, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust on 13 Apr 2018 at 09:40
Hi Nigel,
Fantastic blog showing the and information sheet highlighting the progress being made in our Forensic Services. Well done to all those involved.