I was asked today “If there was one thing that Care Opinion does – what would be the most important for you?”
It was a great question and it made me really think hard.
Since joining Care Opinion I have found that “it” gets under your skin. The “IT” being the stories, our authors and subscribers, the CO team and the whole reason behind Care Opinion.
But one thing? Could I really say the one thing that stands out for me?
Yes I can!
Care Opinion has the power to alter people’s perception of feedback….
So why do I feel this way and what do I mean by feedback? The dictionary defines it as: -
Feedback /’fi:dbak/ noun
- information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.
- the modification or control of a process or system by its results or effects, for example in a biochemical pathway or behavioural response.
Working with CO has shown me that there can be a fear factor when it comes to feedback. It is something that can be taken personally, something we shy away from, are fearful of or we even ignore.
However, we get feedback all the time without even realising it. In our daily lives we carry out thousands of actions and for most of those actions there will be a reaction or a behavioural response. We have been learning from feedback since we were born. We don’t recognise it as feedback or pause to give it thought – we don’t consciously act - it just happens.
So what then is the difference between everyday 24/7 feedback and the stories on Care Opinion?
CO delivers the stories to us, for us to read and consciously act. The positive stories show us we are doing things well and the negative stories encourage us to act to make improvement.
When we do it over and over again it becomes another everyday reaction – it just happens and the feedback word is less feared and more embraced.
Feedback is a good thing !
Whats that one thing for me ?
Whats that one thing for me ? https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/bc568548-ca56-464f-b5d5-53a3804eecc6.jpeg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngQuestion from Care Opinion Scotland
Posted by Clair Coutts, Business and Operations Manager, Care Opinion, on
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