Recent webinar with local officers
We recently held a webinar which brought together local Scottish Health Council officers from across Scotland. We know there were a few colleagues who couldn't make it so we recorded the session which is now available along with the slides we used.
Local activity
It was really encouraging to hear about how local officers are using stories shared on Care Opinion. For example, local officers in Forth Valley use stories shared during the "Positive First Impressions" training they support. Staff in the Tayside office this piece with us. It's just one example of how they and others are encouraging local people to consider Care Opinion if they want to share their experiences of health and social care services.
Scottish Health Council promotes Care Opinion as great way to give feedback about health and social care services
The Scottish Health Council local offices regularly meet with people in our local communities to raise awareness of different ways people can give feedback and use their experiences to help shape health and social care services, both locally and nationally. The Tayside local office recently met with a lovely group at the PKAVS Minority Communities Hub in Perth where we spoke to them about Care Opinion being a great way for them to give their feedback. The group was delighted to find out that the website is available in many different languages! We demonstrated some examples including Indonesian, Polish and Hungarian – the first languages of those attending the session.
What would help?
Local officers mentioned that it would help to have some key facts and figures about Care Opinion - we'll work on that!
Some officers were also interested in the promotional materials Care Opinion has developed. These materials will be available from the SHC HQ.
What now?
We'd love to keep the connection with SHC local officers going and to hear from any of you at any time. Don't hesitate to get in touch. Would you like to write a blog about what you're doing locally in relation to online feedback?
Working with the Scottish Health Council
Working with the Scottish Health Council https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/4-images/d3056be35cbb40dc92c9f9e678405fad.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion Scotland
Posted by Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion, on
About: NHS Scotland
Thanks for your feedback.