How are health and care services doing in your area?

Change from Care Opinion tech

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Immersive Reader
picture of James Munro

Just recently we've been working on a new page on Care Opinion which gives an overview of feedback - and responsiveness - in an area. We've started off by doing this for NHS commissioners in England (i.e. CCGs), and we hope to extend this to other kinds of area in other parts of the UK very soon.

Take a look at the page for NHS Nottingham City CCG as an example. Here's a picture:

Page for Nottingham City CCG

Alongside the list of stories told by people living in the CCG area, we have activity stats from the two providers which have the most stories from the same population: stories, responsiveness, changes made and number of staff listening (i.e. who can be alerted to stories).

We also show the number of general practices in the area, and how many stories there are about them. We'll add stats on the responsiveness of practices very soon too.

Looking at how people tag their stories also allows us to show an "emotion chart" of how people who have posted a story in the past week are feeling about their care.

This gets us off to a good start, and we have some ideas on developing this further, where we have data available. For example, we'd also like to add in the latest blog posts from the CCG, and perhaps the latest tweets too. Maybe we could also show the helpfulness of responses.

This is very much a work in progress. We want to give you a clear and compelling picture, in real-time, of the health/care services in an area as experienced by the people who use them.

So if you have ideas or suggestions for us, please do post a response below.

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