When subscriber tagging first came into being on the site our ever reliable Care Opinion Tech team published a helpful blog to explain how it works: HERE . As different organisations started to use this unique feature, Andrew in our Scottish team published another blog Supporting Social with Subscriber Tagging about the different ways it can helpful for individuals and for sharing.
This blog looks more specifically at how Subscriber Tagging can help demonstrate engagement across required quality and other domains. Tagging in this way, can produce robust evidence for reporting to the CQC in England, and other regulatory and monitoring bodies.
So looking at the CQC you can see their Standards HERE. The CQC state that “we monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety and we publish what we find, including performance ratings to help people choose care”. From a simple search, you can see some postings that map across to the Dignity and Respect domain. You can do this using existing tags or by inputting for a word or phrase within the search function on the site. You can then use the same process for other domains eg safety, food and drink, premises, staff etc.
As a subscribing organisation, whether provider or commissioner you will have the facility to search for, find and tag postings relevant to the evidence that you are providing. Once you have tagged the postings then of course you can collect them together in your reports.
This might be useful in a range of different ways. For example if you are preparing for a CQC visit and you want to use subscriber tagging to produce a report on the relevant feedback. Also you might want to use this tagging for quality reporting and monitoring within the organisation. Particularly relevant to share with colleagues working in risk, governance or service improvement.
Do contact our subscriber support team for more help and guidance with this feature. info@careopinion.org.uk
Subscriber tagging across quality domains
Subscriber tagging across quality domains https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/1-images/44740151ce9c4566a878c5f72dd2df8f.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Tim Hunt, Head of Partnerships and Safeguarding, Care Opinion, on
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