It was our (my) eighth time at the annual NHS Scotland Event held in the SECC, Glasgow last month.
We always have a lot of fun at this event. It's a full on two days of non-stop chatting about Care Opinion, drinking copious cups of coffee, munching lunches and learning about what's occupying the minds of people across health and care across Scotland and beyond.
You won't be surprised to know that after we've asked "Are you having a good day?", our next question is usually "Do you know about Care Opinion?" and carry the conversation on from there. The response used to be almost universally, "No". This year, of the people we spoke to, almost everyone said "Yes!" and the follow up questions were really focused on "how can we do more?". We were even giving some impromptu training and support sessions on responding and using the reporting and visualisation features available on Care Opinion.
I was struck, afterwards, by the changing nature of conversations at this event over the years and firmly believe it's yet another indicator of the extent to which Scotland has bravely embraced independent online feedback.
However, there's no time to rest on our laurels, there's plenty of room for improvement and lots still to do! (you've never heard me say that before đŸ˜‰)
Thanks to everyone who stopped by.
See you in 2020 perhaps!
Changing conversations
Changing conversations https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/4-images/69725c2fe5854feba1cfa3c310132d8f.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion Scotland
Posted by Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion, on
About: NHS Scotland
Thanks for your feedback.