We are absolutely thrilled and delighted to announce the new partnership between Macmillan Cancer Support Scotland and Care Opinion. The partnership is the culmination of many exploratory conversations during which we agreed that we share a commitment to the power of stories.
The purpose of the partnership is simple: to encourage more people to share their experiences of cancer services, so that we can all learn and improve.
Today a letter from Janice Malone, Engagement and Volunteering Manager, Scotland, along with co-branded postcards have been sent to all Macmillan professionals across Scotland. This is the first step of a Macmillan/Care Opinion action plan which is designed to raise awareness across the Macmillan organisation.
Janice explains what stories and Care Opinion mean to her:
I believe that when it comes to ill health, that the voice of the person who is ill, who has that lived experience deserves to be right at the heart of everyone’s thinking.
We are all human beings, and we all feel. We feel it when we are ignored or let down. But we feel it when we experience the kindness of others, when those people that we encounter take that little bit extra time or care with us.
That’s why at Macmillan Cancer Support we are so excited to be working in partnership with Care Opinion. It’s a safe place where anyone can leave feedback - positive and negative - about health and social care services.
What’s more, the feedback is read and responded to by health and social care staff in pretty quick time for the most part. It’s great to see that Scottish Government is also able to read the feedback that people provide. It’s an important window into the real life experiences of real people during some of their most vulnerable moments, something easily forgotten, or dare I say overlooked.
I’ve taken the time to read many stories of people’s experiences when they have cancer via Care Opinion, and it heartens me to see the feedback on excellent care and support that many people receive. But, things are not always smooth, the nature of our humanity means that things can and do go wrong. When they do, I have been pleased to see speedy responses and genuine offers to work together to put things right.
I have used Care Opinion personally. My son, aged just 3 at the time, was admitted via A&E with breathing difficulties. A terrifying ordeal for any parent. The staff who looked after Alfie were wonderful, and things were soon under better control. I however, had been called away from helping my dad to arrange my mum's funeral when Alfie was taken to hospital. I hadn’t eaten all day and after hours in A&E I mentioned to my partner that I was really hungry. A doctor must have overheard me, and brought me a sandwich. His kindness that night was just so lovely, and made a massive difference to me. It was this small gesture that prompted me to feedback via Care Opinion on Alfie's care during his hospital stay.
So I encourage you, to spread the word about Care Opinion and invite as many people as possible to feedback on their experiences.
Working in partnership with MacMillan Cancer Support, Scotland
Working in partnership with MacMillan Cancer Support, Scotland https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/4-images/3f16f121c5c3438a91f3441ef48e6b29.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion Scotland
Posted by Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion, on
Thanks for your feedback.
Response from Grateful person123 on 25 Feb 2020 at 00:50
Thank you for posting this. I am a cancer survivor and lost my husband to cancer a few years ago. Both of us have received the most wonderful care and experienced great humanity from staff both at Macmillan care and the western general hospital, especially at the darkest times when the smallest of gestures are so precious. 🙏 Thankyou so so much.