We have made an important update to the ‘Story listing in a table report’. We still show you the date a story was submitted and when it was published but now we also show you the date of first response to that story (see below in yellow).
How to use this to calculate the time taken to respond
One of the things really valued by people who give online feedback is that the response is received in a timely manner, the research suggests a response received within 7 days is acceptable, however a response received within 3 days is desirable.
Below we show you how to use excel to calculate how long it took your organisation to respond to the feedback by adding in a column and a simple formula to the downloaded Excel spreadsheet.
Step 1: Make sure you have downloaded the Story in a table report in Excel, add in a new column to the right of the ‘Our first response’ and call it ‘Time taken to respond (hrs)’ (You can also add a second column in if you would like the same information but in days).
Step 2: In the new column J, enter the = sign followed by the ‘Our first response’ cell, minus (-) the ‘Date Published’ cell. Which in this case would be: =I2-H2. This will give you the difference between the 2 dates and times.
The answer to the formula you have created will not be formatted (e.g. see column J)
Step 3: To format the cell, simply right click on cell J2, and s elect ‘Format cells’, then choose category ‘Custom’ and the format type [h]:mm
If you prefer the time in ‘days’ rather than ‘hrs’, then just choose Format category ‘Number’ and amend to 1 decimal place – Simple!
This report, like all reports on Care Opinion, can be created ad-hoc and downloaded or can be set up on a schedule and emailed to you on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis and drop straight into your inbox!
Learn more
The best way to learn more about generating reports is to try them out. You'll soon discover whether they are giving you the information and insights you need.
As always, we want to try & improve the reports available to our subscribers so feel free to send us feedback on how we can improve our reporting further. And if you need any help or advice with reporting, why not come along to one of our regular online training sessions?
Now showing the date of your first response in our “Story listing in a table report”
Now showing the date of your first response in our “Story listing in a table report” https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/1-images/2e171acce8d441ea9253581de3184554.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Tracy Molloy, Subscriber Services Manager, Subscriber Support, Care Opinion, on
About: Care Opinion
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