Care Opinion Scotland is delighted to announce our first ever online conference on the 28th of October. The theme of our conference “The power of online feedback in a post pandemic world.”
At this one day event, we will be bringing together the knowledge and experience of those working in the health and care sectors, academia, government, the third sector, some international friends and importantly the voices of those who have experienced health and care services, to help up explore our theme based on the Care Opinion model.
Our online conference will feature presentations, interactive sessions and discussions on topics such as;
- The growing importance and uptake of online feedback in the current climate, over more traditional forms of engagement.
- Patient and service user engagement from an international perspective.
- How to encourage online feedback for health and care services.
- Using online feedback in the design and development of health and care services.
- How online feedback can and is being used in academia and the third sector to influence policy discussions.
- How should online feedback develop next in the service of truly person-centred care?
So if you are interested in the power of an online platform where people can share their experiences of health and care services to help make them better for everyone, whether or not you are already familiar with Care Opinion, then this is the conference for you!
Our conference will take place on an application called Crowdcast, you can sign up for the event by following this link: - COS Conference 2020
You can find the programme for the conference here: - Care Opinion Conference 2020-Programme.pdf
Care Opinion Scotland's Online Conference is now open for registration!
Care Opinion Scotland's Online Conference is now open for registration! Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion Scotland
Posted by Care Opinion Scotland, on
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