The Kiosk (Feedback) link had been created in Summer 2019, responding to a specific need from one of our subscribers see this earlier blog: Collecting stories with kiosk mode. With the outbreak of Covid19 we have further developed resources around this valuable tool for gathering feedback to make it available for a wider range of providers. This link can be sent out easily by text, email or other online platforms.
Read about how it works on this blog from our Chief Executive Dr James Munro: How can I invite rapid feedback online?
Key features:
- Simple to use for services. A unique URL for each service sent out via Text, E mail etc
- Simple to use for authors. Pre-tagged to the service they have used, it shortens and makes easier the story telling process
As an update I wanted to highlight just some of the ways that our providers have been using this innovation during these times to target feedback in particular services. The use of this feature is increasing all the time.
The Northern Health and Social Care Trust have created this resource so patients can scan this QR code on this poster and go straight through to the link.
Amanda Rayner, Deputy Practice Manager in Hackney says that “ At The Lawson Practice we have found that patients have engaged more with feedback when using the Kiosk mode. Many have said that this is a much simpler and quicker process and therefore are happier to use it. Recently we have even implemented a QR code poster in our waiting rooms which links to the Kiosk mode for those who are tech savvy!”
Nigel Groves, Involvement Lead at Forensic Services at Notts Healthcare has been using the Kiosk Mode with the help of day centre staff to generate feedback in secure settings. "The Kiosk Mode has given confidence to staff and patients alike. It has been so easy to use and just click the link and you are there onsite and which ward/directorate it is from, knowing that each story will get a full response from the appropriate member of management from ward managers to the directors".
Karen Marsh, Quality Manager at Inclusion has been working with their substance misuse services to send out the Kiosk Link to their users who are not able to access services in the usual ways. “Since the start of COVID 19 we have been actively promoting the kiosk mode within our community substance misuse services, this has enabled us to continue to receive feedback on our services during a time of heightened change and anxiety. The kiosk mode means we are able to access a wider variety of service users as it is quicker to complete but still gives the high quality feedback that we require to improve our services.”
So whatever the service or situation this is an option for your staff to use to continue to hear from the people relying on their care.
How Providers are using the Kiosk Link
How Providers are using the Kiosk Link https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/1-images/936d841472bd464d9ea315b4723e35b0.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Tim Hunt, Head of Partnerships and Safeguarding, Care Opinion, on
Thanks for your feedback.