Over the next couple of weeks, we are sharing blogs about each of the sessions at Care Opinion Scotland’s conference that was held on the 28th of October 2020. Today’s blog is about the third session of the conference that was called “Macmillan Cancer Support and Care Opinion”. This session was hosted by Care Opinion’s Head of Scotland, Fraser Gilmore and the speaker was Macmillan’s Engagement and Volunteer Manager (Scotland), Janice Malone.
The quote in the title “We stand for betterness” comes from Macmillan’s founder, Douglas Macmillan. In Janice’s presentation she shared the History of MacMillan Cancer Support, explained the work the organisation does to amplify the voices of people with Cancer and how the work with Care Opinion in Scotland helped with this. You can watch the full video of the session below:
If you would like to download Janice’s presentation from the day, you can find it here: Macmillan presentation - COSconf2020.pptx
Following Janice’s presentation, there was a lively Q&A, where further information was shared from Janice and the attendees on the topics discussed, these included:
- Janice shared a link where people could find out more about Macmillan’s digital storytelling project: https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/get-help/emotional-help/the-macmillan-digital-storytelling-project
- A link was shared to show all of the stories on Care Opinion across the UK that mention the word “Macmillan”: https://www.careopinion.org.uk/opinions?phrase=macmillan
- A paper was shared to show how Care Opinion stories were being used in other policy areas, the paper is called “Patient Noun Adjective: understanding the experience of waiting for care”: https://www.nationalvoices.org.uk/publications/our-publications/patient-noun-adjective-understanding-experience-waiting-care
We will be sharing further blogs from the Care Opinion Scotland conference 2020 soon, so keep your eye on our Blog!
“We stand for betterness” Macmillan - #COSconf2020
“We stand for betterness” Macmillan - #COSconf2020 https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/4-images/bf6588ddb5064411b65c7b5dd31451e4.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion Scotland
Posted by Fraser Gilmore, Head of Scotland, Care Opinion Scotland, on
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