“I can’t talk to Mr NHS because he doesn’t exist” Dr Fadhila Mazanderani - #COSconf2020

Update from Care Opinion Scotland

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In the 5th of our series of blogs about Care Opinion Scotland’s online conference on the 28th October 2020, today we are going to be sharing the video recording, presentation and links to further information that was covered in Dr Fadhila Mazanderani’s session.

Titled “I can’t talk to Mr NHS because he doesn’t exist”, this fascinating session started with a presentation from Dr Mazanderani, looking at services users perspectives on providing online healthcare-related feedback in the UK. This was then followed by a Q&A hosted by our very own Dr James Munro, where attendees asked some brilliant questions and added some really interesting points to the discussion.

You can watch the video of the session below:

Dr Mazanderani also shared her presentation from the session that you can access here: Fadhila Mazanderani presentation - COSconf2020.pptx

Moreover, during the session and the Q&A, Dr Mazanderani, Dr Munro and some of our attendees shared a variety of links to resources, research and further reading that talked to the subject matter of the session, which you can find below: 


Keep your eye on our blog for our final posting regarding the conference!

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