We are Sarah Neil, Chevaughn Woodhouse and Nicolle Smith. We are the Patient Experience Team at NHS Sheffield CCG. One of our objectives is to improve patient experience of GP services, we aim to do this by working with GP practices and Primary Care Networks to ensure that practices actively seek feedback about people’s experiences of their services, and use that feedback to drive improvements.
We are encouraging practices to promote Care Opinion as a method of feedback, and the easiest way to do this is to share direct links to Care Opinion on their websites or via posters/ leaflets. Most recently we have encouraged the use of Care Opinion for patients to leave us feedback about their experience of having their covid vaccine, read these stories here.
The feedback from patients regarding the covid vaccine has been positive:
"very well organised service...The staff extremely nice and polite, explained all concerns and give a necessary advice."
"Everyone was helpful and cheerful! Great service in difficult times."
The Patient Experience Team will be ensuring that this is fed back to practices, particularly those who aren’t currently regular users of Care Opinion.
The practice staff reaction to this feedback has been well received, the practice manager from Meadowgreen Health Centre quoted:
"We are always happy to receive patient feedback whether it be positive or negative. It gives us a feel for what we are doing well and what we need to improve on”.
From a CCG perspective we can easily and readily access patient feedback left for all our practices and look to identify themes and trends.
Going forward, we would like to see Care Opinion as a focal point for patients to leave feedback and for us (CCG and practices), to respond and where feedback has been negative provide an insight into how we'll improve on that and support the practices to learn and create change too. Likewise when feedback is positive we will evidence that we've fed back to colleagues.
As a Subscriber to Care Opinion we have access to an array of reporting functions & data visualisations which will enable us to drill down to the themes and present analysis in meaningful formats.
Here is an example of one of the data visualisations on Care Opinion which represents how patients in Sheffield feel about their experience of using their GP surgeries:
To use this visualisation interactively, click here.
Gab about the jab
Gab about the jab https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/0-images/345c793097b74657ad86989d59b23d6a.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from NHS Sheffield ICB
Posted by Chevaughn Woodhouse, Freedom of Information (FOI) Lead, Sheffield CCG, on
Thanks for your feedback.