We are very happy to share with you that we have renewed our subscription with Care Opinion for 3 years
The stories we have read are positive, highlight how we can do better and offer an insight into people’s experiences of our services.
The standout theme of all the stories we receive is the courage and honesty people have when sharing their stories. Care Opinion continues to provide a safe and brave space for people to ‘tell us as it is’. Read stories submitted about CGL, here.
We would like you to share this video with the people who access your service, volunteers, and staff so that they can all see the value of the stories on the Care Opinion website.
Working together to share & learn from CareOpinion on Vimeo.
These are the key messages to help understand how this work fits with the objectives of the organisation and operationally in each particular service:
Why Care Opinion?
Care Opinion stories provide us with rich narratives from individuals experiences of our services which complements the information from TOPs & Pulse surveys and other feedback sources. It helps us see a fuller picture of the whole person experience.
Responding to feedback on an independent public facing platform is in line with our values and strategy. It demonstrates a commitment to listening to the people we work with and for to improve services.
Stories can be shared with staff teams, leaders, individuals accessing a service, any other person affected by what we do and commissioners.
Stories can help us understand better and learn from the experience of the people we work with and for.
How it works…
Care Opinion has some easy ways of inviting feedback e.g. adding feedback links to surveys and other comms, which they can help you to set up.
Care Opinion have an easy-to-Access Implementation plan to help services engage with the website and assists staff to get involved with generating and listening to stories.
Care Opinion has guidance for how voluntary roles can help generate postings.
Doing Things Better, Working Together, Telling Our Story
The value of stories on Care Opinion
The value of stories on Care Opinion https://www.careopinion.cymru/content/uk/1/android-chrome-256x256.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Change Grow Live
Posted by Mark Pryke, Head of Service User Involvement, Change Grow Live, on
About: Change Grow Live
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