Over a year has passed since Northern Ireland's health and social care services adopted Care Opinion as the system-wide online feedback platform.
This week, staff from across health and social services shared perspectives and progress so far. The online event was recorded, so if you missed it, you can catch up here!
This celebration event was organised and hosted by the Northern Ireland Public Health Agency and the Department of Health.
Event programme
(the numbers are the time to jump to in the video for each section)
00:00 Welcome
Linda Craig (PHA), Regional Lead for Patient, Client Experience
00:49 Opening remarks
Aidan Dawson (PHA), Chief Executive
03:52 Ministerial Address
Robin Swann (DoH), Minister of Health
06:07 Overview of Care Opinion in NI
Michelle Tennyson (PHA), Assistant Director of AHP, PPI and PCE
11:16 Presentation - “The Story So Far”
Linda Craig (PHA), Regional Lead for Patient, Client Experience
24:10 Care Opinion - “A National Perspective”
Dr James Munro (CO), Chief Executive
39:09 “Openness and Transparency”
Andrew Dougal (PHA), Chairman
Trust Presentations - “Impact and Improvement”
Linda Craig (PHA), Regional Lead for Patient, Client Experience
44:19 Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Máire Alexander, Patient, Client Experience Facilitator
48:47 Northern Health and Social Care Trust
Leigh Morgan, Patient, Client Experience Facilitator
55:00 Northern Ireland Ambulance Service
Lynne Charlton, Director of Quality, Safety and Improvement
01:05:45 South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Conor Campbell, Senior Manager, Governance and Quality Improvement
01:24:08 Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Grace Hamilton, Assistant Director of Nursing, Patient Safety, Quality and Experience
01:24:08 Western Health and Social Care Trust
Michelle McQuaide, Cardiac Nurse
01:26:20 Next Steps
Linda Craig (PHA), Regional Lead for Patient, Client Experience
01:27:00 Closing Remarks
Linda Kelly (DoH), Deputy Chief Nursing Officer
Celebrating a year of Care Opinion in Northern Ireland
Celebrating a year of Care Opinion in Northern Ireland https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/1-images/0f0cad29d0724cfbb1127ef03eeabf30.png Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by James Munro, Chief executive, Care Opinion, on
About: Health and Social Care Northern Ireland
Thanks for your feedback.