A couple of months ago, I was interviewed as the newest member of the Stirling team. However, today, the tables have turned and we are delighted to welcome our newest member of the team, Mhairi Smith who has joined the Scotland office as our newest Moderator.
We are thrilled to have Mhairi join the team and the last couple of months have flown by so fast. Rather than keeping her all to ourselves, we have thought it was time for everyone else to meet her. We have asked her some questions about why she wanted to join our team, what she has learned so far, what she is looking forward to in her role, so we could learn a little more about her.
Here is what she has to say....
What most excited/ interested you about joining the Care Opinion team?
I was interested in working for Care Opinion because their aim is to improve healthcare. I have discovered a passion for healthcare more recently, as my career took a slight U-Turn after 2020 and I started working in community pharmacy. I believe healthcare is so important whether it’s for myself or for a loved one, so its great to be involved in an organisation with improvement and transparency at its core.
You have been with Care Opinion for almost a couple of months, what is the most fascinating thing you have learned?
I have been fascinated by just how complex our healthcare system is. I am learning so much about services across Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland and I know its just the tip of the iceberg! It never ceases to amaze me what services achieve and what the patients experience.
Tell us what you do as a Moderator?
I assist in reading over and working to publish the stories authors submit to Care Opinion. I try and make sure the authors are supported throughout the publishing and moderating process, and make sure my colleagues are informed of any information or situations they assist with.
What are you most looking forward to in your role?
I am really enjoying getting to know all my colleagues. They are all so unique, driven and compassionate individuals. It’s such an inspiring work force to be part of, to say the least, and I really look forward to working with them and learning more from them all.
Further to this, I am looking forward to gaining more experience in a unique role, which I am grateful for the opportunity to undertake.
Tell us about Mhairi outside work.
Outside of work I am usually spending time with my husband Fred, my cat Milo, and my friends. I love listening to podcasts and reading about nature, paranormal occurrences, true crime events, psychology and mental health. I also really enjoy going for walks to do some nature spotting.
Interview with our newest team member - Mhairi Smith
Interview with our newest team member - Mhairi Smith https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/0-images/33d2264d338941778c3b02305ea8a77e.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion Scotland
Posted by Krisztina Patocs, Business Administrator and Support Officer, Care Opinion, on
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