When monkey and I were invited along to the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People in Edinburgh recently, we jumped at the chance!
We spent the afternoon alongside our fabulous colleagues at NHS Lothian Louise Fegan (Lead Nurse for Quality Improvement and Standards at RHCYP) and Ana and Louise from the Patient Experience Team, to encourage children and families to tell their stories about the hospital.
The event was part of an exciting collaboration with Louise and NHS Lothian to promote honest and constructive feedback to drive improvement and recognition of services at the hospital.
There was fantastic engagement from staff and visitors alike, with lots of ideas and suggestions about not only how to encourage feedback, but using the reports and visualisations features of the Care Opinion website to display the kind words spoken about staff in clinical areas, to boost morale.
Staff were also keen to encourage student nurses to talk about Care Opinion with patients and families, especially if they are unsure of how to give feedback. We even managed to rope a few of the team into a photo!
The best part of the day of course was meeting lots of lovely wee ones, some of them with the most fabulous halloween costumes! The great thing about the Care Opinion website, is that even these little monkeys can share their stories, using a part of the site dedicated to helping children and young people give feedback.
We look forward to continuing our work with Louise and reading lots of feedback about children's services in Lothian.
Keep up to date with more exciting happenings at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People by following @LothianChildren on Twitter.
Find out more about Monkey Wellbeing: Monkey Wellbeing Story Books | Monkey Wellbeing
Monkeying around at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People
Monkeying around at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/0-images/34f47f0a512b4345b27e69d70e5ea94b.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Danielle McEwan, Senior Engagement & Support Officer, Care Opinion, on
About: Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (Edinburgh)
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