Bitesized videos for everyone


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Logging in and the navigation menu

Great for new users - familiarise yourself with your navigation panel and where to find all of your important 'saved things'.

©[Acoustic Technicolor by Eric Goetz from Audiosocket] via

Tell your story walk through

This helpful walkthrough of our 'tell your story workflow' (sometimes shortened to TYS), is a guided tour of how to share your story with Care Opinion.

©[Acoustic Technicolor by Eric Goetz from Audiosocket] via

Updating your profile details

Keeping your profile details up to date is an essential Care Opinion task, especially if you are a responder! Watch this video to learn how to add a profile picture, change your job title and email address and much more.

©[Acoustic Technicolor by Eric Goetz from Audiosocket] via

Care Opinion accessibility features

A short guide to all of the accessibility features available on the Care Opinion website.

©[Acoustic Technicolor by Eric Goetz from Audiosocket] via

Searching for stories

Learning to build a search is the first step to accessing a wide range of functions available to you on the Care Opinion site, such as creating alerts, running reports and downloading powerful visualisations.

©[Acoustic Technicolor by Eric Goetz from Audiosocket] via

Creating and amending alerts

This video will explain how you filter a search to create alerts for your chosen services, as well as personalising them to your needs by using the available alert triggers. Need to change an existing alert? No problem, we cover that too! The video also explains how to add alerts to specific phrases and tags.

Fast forward to:

04:48 - How to create an alert to a specific tag or phrase

©[Acoustic Technicolor by Eric Goetz from Audiosocket] via

Running & scheduling reports and visualisations

Reports and visualisations are one of our most loved features by subscribers!

Learn how to filter your search and create your own reports, and add a schedule so that you can receive the most up to date version straight to your inbox!

©[Acoustic Technicolor by Eric Goetz from Audiosocket] via

Sharing your story using picture tiles

Join us for a walk through of how to tell your story using picture tiles.

©[Acoustic Technicolor by Eric Goetz from Audiosocket] via