Download your service tree date


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You can download a copy of the services you have on Care Opinion in Excel. This file contains:

  • The service code, also called the nacs code
  • A horizontal representation of the services and how they relate to each other - from organisational level down to services
  • An additional full list of services with no relationship represented
  • Addresses where needed*
  • The treatment function(s) assigned to a service

*if no address present Care Opinion shows the parent's address so you do not need all these columns filled in. Expect to see most rows empty.

You can use this to support any change requests to Care Opinion. Remember that your current members may have assets relating to the service tree as it is now. Assets are; alerts, reports, visualisations, and saved searches. Any change in structure could affect these.

To download your service tree

1: Go to your subscriptions page.

This is found at the top of the page. Directly under your name and picture, you will see your subscription name in pink. This is usually the name of you organisation.

In the example below Sarah is on the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust subscription .  Click the subscription name to go to the subscription page.


2: On this page you will see all the information about your current subscription(s). Go to "service tree managed by this subscription" and click the download link

Image title

3: You file should now download in Excel. You can save this.

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