Care Opinion is an online feedback service. We are not able to offer any help, advice or support with health or care issues ourselves.
If you are concerned about your wellbeing or safety, or concerned about somebody else, you might be able to access support or guidance from another organisation. This page has a list of organisations which may be able to help you.
Police: if there is a credible and immediate threat against a person or committing a serious offence then contact your local police.
Children at risk of harm: If a child is in immediate danger, call the police 999, or NSPCC 0808 800 5000 straightaway.
Mental Health Crisis: if you or someone you know is going through a mental health crisis or is considering suicide, here are some groups that may be able to help.
- Samaritans will listen to you and help you talk through your concerns, worries and troubles. 116 123 (24 hours freephone) you can also email (response time: 24 hours)
- Age UK A free, confidential national phone service for older people who feel lonely or need some practical help and support. 0800 678 1174 (8am to 7pm freephone) also for family members needing advice.
- Childline 24 hours freephone service there to help anyone under 19 in the UK 0800 1111
- Mind Infoline provides information on a range of topics including types of mental health; where to get help; advocacy phone 0300 123 3393
- Papyrus UK run Hopeline UK for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide and for anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide. Call: 0800 068 4141 Text:07860039967
- Rethink give advice on how to support someone with suicidal thoughts, as well as advice to carers and family members of people with mental health issues
- Shout is a 24/7 UK crisis text service. Text Shout to 85258
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service, Patient Experience, Customer Relations: most organisations responsible for hospitals and other NHS services have one of these teams who offer support with accessing care. They provide a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers. They will try to resolve issues if possible and/or direct you through any formal complaints processes. All providers have a formal complaints process which can usually be found on their website.
- Zero Suicide Alliance - signposting for mental health support
- The NHS website has a tool for finding your local teams.
- National Suicide Prevention Helpline A compassionate and understanding lifeline for those grappling with their mental well-being or thoughts of suicide. Lines are open every day from 6 pm until midnight, offering a safe haven for anyone who needs someone to talk to.
111 service
NHS 111 have a phoneline if you are ill and it can't wait until your regular NHS service reopens. Call 111 or use the 111 online tool
Independent Advocacy Services:
Advocacy is when someone speaks or acts on your behalf to help you with difficult situations, for instance if you are sectioned or need help to be involved in decisions about your care. Independent advocates are completely separate from your care provider.
There are many kinds of Independent advocacy who help in specific circumstances including Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) and Independent Health Complaints Advocacy (IHCA). Different providers offer services all across England and you may have to contact your local provider.
Mind have more information on their website and some guidance for accessing your local advocacy provider.
POhWER independent freephone advocacy service for people having problems with the NHS: 0300 456 2370
Cruse Bereavement Care (England and Wales) Support Helpline 0808 808 1677 Freephone
Whistleblowing helpline for NHS and adult social care staff Confidential and independent free phone advice about whistleblowing processes to people working in the NHS and adult social care phone 08000 724 725 (England)
Children at risk of harm
If you are worried about a child, you should report your concerns to your local council/Health and Social Care Partnership. Your local contact can be found here:
Adults at risk of harm
If you, or someone you know, is at risk of harm don’t ignore it. Contact your local council/Health and Social Care Partnership and share your concerns.
Your local number can be found at the website below:
Emergency Social Work Service
If you or someone needs urgent social care, contact your local council/Health and Social Care Partnership here:
Patient Advice and Support Service
(PASS) is an independent service which provides free, accessible and confidential information, advice and support to patients, their careers and families about NHS healthcare. To find your local office click here: PASS national helpline 0800 917 2127
Breathing Space
A phone service for anyone in Scotland experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. 0800 83 85 87 Monday–Thursday 6:00pm–2:00am Friday–Monday 6:00pm–6:00am
If you are ill and it can't wait until your regular NHS service reopens Call 111 Freephone
Whistleblowing helpline
For NHS Scotland staff free, confidential service 0800 008 6112
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman
The final stage for complaints about councils, the National Health Service, housing associations, colleges and universities, prisons, most water providers, the Scottish Government and its agencies and departments and most Scottish authorities 0800 377 7330
Alzheimer Scotland
24 hour freephone Dementia Helpline on 0808 808 3000 or contact the E-Helpline at
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland
Mon -Wed 10-4 Mon -Wed 6-9 Thurs 9-9 Fri 10-4 Support Helpline 0845 600 2227 (calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone company's access charge)
Scottish Association for Mental Health
SAMH offers support and information. If you’d like help seeking the correct support for you or to find out more about mental health problems, the SAMH Information Team can help. Please note, this is not a listening or crisis service.
t: 0344 800 0550, e:
Northern Ireland
Emergency services:
999 or 112 Police, ambulance service, fire and rescue service, coastguard.
0808 808 8000 Deaf and hard of hearing –Textphone users can call Lifeline on 18001 0808 808 800 24 hour support for those in distress or despair.
If you are (or someone you know is) in immediate physical danger through self-harm and in need of urgent medical attention then please call emergency services on 999.
When you are (or the person you know is) out of immediate danger it would be a good idea to contact Lifeline for help, support and useful services to move forward and recover. You can contact Lifeline before you contact emergency services but you will get medical help faster if you phone emergency services directly on 999
Samaritans helpline Freephone 116 123 Listening ear to those in distress.
Patient and Client Council
We act as a powerful, independent voice for patients, clients, carers and communities.
Do you have a concern about Health and Social Care services?
Call us on 0800 917 0222 or email:
Child Protection
The Education Authority is responsible for Childrens Safeguarding
The office contact number is: 02895 985590
028 9040 2323
Support for people recovering from Mental Illness
Addiction NI
028 9066 4434
Drug and alcohol intervention and support services for adults
and family members – specific support available for offenders
and those aged 55+.
More Detailed Local and National Information re Signposting can be found Here:
C.A.L.L. is a mental health helpline for Wales. Call them on 0800 132 737 or text “help” to 81066
Dan 24/7 is the Wales Drug and Alcohol Helpline. Freephone: 0808 808 2234 or text DAN to: 81066