"Experiences from Sheffield Breathe Easy group"

About: South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw

(as a staff member posting for a carer/relative),

Immersive Reader

**On 25th February 2015, the Sheffield Breathe Easy group invited Sheffield CCG to hear about their experiences of services locally. Members live with a variety of respiratory conditions including COPD and asthma. The quotes below are in their words. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their time, frankness and help with developing the Sheffield Respiratory Strategy.**

“There was a chap this morning and he was sat down. We took the opportunity and asked if he’s like to become a member of Breathe Easy but he said he wasn’t interested ‘cos he sits in the house and goes shopping once a day. His daughter said it would help him but he wasn’t interested. ”

“Our friend was an oxygen user – an ex-miner – and after exercise sessions he no longer needs the oxygen. ”

“Common sense made me want to join Breathe Easy. ”

“When you’re busy you tend to forget about your problems. It’s alright to get out of breathe and sit down. ”

“I went for a walk with my son for five miles in Derbyshire last weekend. My wife made me sit down about six times because I wouldn’t have been able to keep up with them. I was so pleased that I did it. As long as I don’t try to over-do it – my wife was watching me all the time and she made me sit down. ”

“Some mornings I don’t want to get up and do it, but I always feel better when I have. ”

“If you’re doing exercises with someone without lung problems it makes you realise that they get out of breath too. ”

“My friends were worried about me and made an appointment at the doctors for me. Once I started doing to the rehab group I felt much better. ”

“I think a big obstacle are GPs who don’t get you referred quick enough. People are slipping under the radar. ”

“Family can really help. Rather than mollycoddling you they should say that you can do things. Sometimes my family make me feel like an invalid. My wife told me not to shovel the snow but I did it anyway and it made me feel shattered but I’d done it. ”

“Since I stopped smoking the number of infections I was getting has reduced. The doctor told me that smoking had dulled my immune system. ”

“Over the past two years the care I have received has been exemplary, however no one has ever addressed my psychological wellbeing Pulmonary disease can be very frightening and worrying and when you cannot exercise due to being unwell, your mental health suffers too as you cannot get out and about and release natural endorphins to create a feeling of wellbeing”

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››