"The Stonebridge Centre"

About: Adult Mental Health Community

(as a service user),

Hi I’m A Catherine Wheel and I access my Nottingham City East local mental health services at The Stonebridge Centre. Stonebridge is what my post is all about.

If you go down to the Stonebridge Centre today, you’re in for a big surprise. It’s just re-opened after our co-produced refurbishment, and now you’ll hardly believe your eyes. It’s as evidence-based as a picnic under Milkwood.

For starters the outdoor areas are litter-free; now gone the tall wire perimeter fences. The green bits are tidy, all window shutters are open, and someone’s put a bench out. You can see the signs noting the Trust being positive about mental health, quite clearly now the wire’s gone.

Everyone can walk right in. No deserving/undeserving questions asked. No staff/people divide by entitlement to the locked door codes. And this is carried through along all those formerly locked away inside corridors. It’s a proper free for all now. 

A bit in, there’s a creative space with a repurposed table and chairs, mags and books shelf, little boxes full of ticky tacky to explore, imagine, create with, so everything looks the same and nothing like it. There’s other chairs etc too, for reading, reflecting, relaxing, and to be.

Near by there’s a viewing area for the telly, with separate, soft, comfy chairs plus other seating for people who can’t do comfy. People decide what to watch and operate the telly themselves, like grown-ups do.

Next there’s a table of help yourself refreshments. There’s access to several toilets, not our usual only one. No more having to dash to the gp practice up the road where you can walk in, and use theirs, without challenge, deviation or hesitation. 

The What’s the Buzz corner’s got updates from the Trust, and our co-produced “tipping points” facts, ideas, things to try sheets on such a wide range of topics. For example one about highs and lows, hearing voices, another on depression, others like - on being a thoughtful elder, anxiety, stress, a good night’s sleep. I saw the one I helped with about coming off Seroxat.. They’ve got leaflets on what principles the Services are based on. Explanations about policies and practices, what you can access from here, and how to keep in the know, and meet other service users in the same boat as you. There was info from all sorts of organisations, and about places with things to do, info about things for all our diversities, interests, and pockets. And the whole lot dated, and where it came from so no one would go away with old stuff or no leads. Yes, even all the above in a variety of presentations: pictures, song, dance, soundings , sightings, signings, hearings, ranges of colours, languages, all sorts of ways to take the message home.

There was also our adds board for passing it on….like our skills in digital stuff, and how we can help each other with all kinds of things respectfully and safely.

I noticed adds for us about getting together to co-make a zine, and an audio-visual. Adds to have co-realised discussions, to co-make ways to share our thoughts, findings, about what it’s like, and our collective, shared vision, shared hope, shared dream of ways to be. All our difference, all coming together with the threads that hold us in common humanities, and personhoods.

Oh yes, I thought you might like to know the Reception staff have all been on a pamper weekend with workshops on being nice, not grumpy. They had a ball by all accounts. All’s well with the world of reception now. Like us, they just needed someone to be kind to them too.

I looked around, at it all. And it made me feel like I’m part of all this. That together we are stronger, solider, warmer. We’re connected, interrelated, and interdependent. We did this together, thought it through, got on with it, and now we’re maintaining it together and taking it forward. Others will join in and take it over. Pass it on. All of us co-producers.

And I remembered how we asked around for the tables and the chairs and all the stuff. The times all of us got together to make everything nice. I thought of how talented and limited people are, of hidden depths, stirrings, and undercurrents. 

And I couldn’t help myself, I smiled big time, remembering how I was given the sledge hammer to bash that intercom outside the front door, which locked the staff in, and locked us lot out, baring us lot’s entry to Stonebridge. And I revisited my proud moment when I smashed that locked door policy to smithereens, and caught a fleeting glimpse of Duncan Macmillan, smiling, as the doors of the Asylum unlocked again. 

Not quite sure how to end this post. Might have to break the second rule of writing. This is: when you’ve finished a hopey, dreamy, wishy, wayward piece, you must never,  end with:

and then I woke up

(In my case as A Catherine Wheel, in the Certain Ages, with nothing to lose and everything to gain).

Looks like it’s curtains for me.

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Response from Jane Danforth, Involvement & Experience Officer, Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 5 years ago
Jane Danforth
Involvement & Experience Officer, Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Working in partnership with Care Opinion to gather feedback, meaning we find out what we do well and how you think we should improve. We really do want to hear from you and we reply to every story.

Submitted on 16/04/2019 at 23:00
Published on Care Opinion on 17/04/2019 at 10:22

picture of Jane Danforth

Dear A Catherine Wheel

Firstly, I want to say sorry. The huge delay in replying to your story is on my radar!I've contacted services and asked them to reply and I hope you won't have to wait much longer.

I found your story so engaging and thought-provoking that I want to reassure you that we are listening even though it might seem like this story has not been heard.

Thank you for your patience

Kind Regards


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Tracey Taylor, Community Psychiatric Nurse, City East Local Mental Health Team, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 5 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Tracey Taylor
Community Psychiatric Nurse, City East Local Mental Health Team,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

I am a Community Psychiatric Nurse

Submitted on 18/04/2019 at 17:06
Published on Care Opinion on 19/04/2019 at 17:51

picture of Tracey Taylor

Hello A Catherine Wheel

It was so lovely to meet you this morning. I do find your posts entertaining and a delightful way of getting across some very serious points.

We do need to make some changes to Stonebridge Centre and would value your involvement in this. It's not easy to get a balance between safety and security; and having a warm and welcoming environment. So your assistance with this conundrum would be most appreciated!

I'm happy to carry on conversation here, or you can contact me on 0115 9555358 or tracey.taylor@nottshc.nhs.uk.

Looking forward to seeing you again

Best wishes, Tracey
  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by A Catherine Wheel (a service user)

Hi Jane

Many thanks for your reply to my post about the Stonebridge Centre. I'm glad it has given you something to think about as that was the intention of the post. I realise it is wide ranging and therefore harder to respond to, but if it just means people can step back and think about how big policies and practices, and even things like how welcoming a place is, has an affect on a person who attends, then I think I will be very satisfied with this.

Yes, it would be great to transform the Stonebridge Centre and widen its scope, but these things are not quick things and it's nice to feel that I can say something like this and know you will all accept that service users do have ideas and feelings about services and policies and how it all makes us feel.

It's so good to know you all listen and appreciate the many viewpoints that there are about the services we access, and indeed that practitioners work in.

Thanks for always responding to my posts. The whole area of mental health can be a lonely place often, and it's lovely to know you are there.

A Catherine Wheel

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