"This is an exceptional ward with kind and caring staff"

About: Scottish Ambulance Service / Emergency Ambulance Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Elderly Medicine (Wards 51, 52, 54,55, 57, 8a & 2a) Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Day Clinic (Older People’s Services) Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (Ward 62) Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Accident & Emergency

Who has Care Opinion told about this story?

  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland 1 told
  • NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 38 told 19 read responded
  • NHS National Services Scotland 1 told
  • Office of Neil Bibby, MSP for West Scotland 1 told
  • Scottish Ambulance Service 35 told 1 read responded
  • Scottish Government 2 told