"I am so grateful to you for your care and help"

About: Community Nursing Services / Ashfield Community Nursing

(as a staff member posting for a carer/relative),

Thankyou so much for your email. You have addressed all my concerns and I do feel so much happier.

All that now remains is for the Carers to do their job! I will contact them about the wrong long tubed Day Bags.

Last Thursday they failed to change the day bag and I rang to speak to the evening carer for her to change the day and night time bag. I also asked that the change was recorded on the 'Carers Log' plus dates written on the bags. .

Working as a teacher in the education system I saw repeatedly, new policies introduced, without them being thought through. In the NHS I know its the same. Those on the chalk face are left to sort it. As you will understand I have every sympathy, but my concerns are purely for my dear Mum.

Thankyou again, so much, its a pity the policy and control wasn't left as it was - with the District Nurses. The system was working so well.

I am so grateful to you for your care and help, towards the management of my mother's care at home.

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Response from Anne Spooner, Professional Lead, Integrated Adult Community Team (Ashfield), County Health Partnerships 10 years ago
Anne Spooner
Professional Lead, Integrated Adult Community Team (Ashfield),
County Health Partnerships
Submitted on 06/08/2014 at 16:29
Published on Care Opinion at 16:49

Good communication is the key to feeling involved and confident in care delivery from professionals. This is even more important when you live at a great distance from your loved one. I am really pleased to know that communicating via email has made you feel included and informed in your mums care.

I understand your point about change, this is something both patients, carers and professionals in the NHS have to deal with. There is no denying that changes are coming fast and there is divisive opinions on what constitute best outcome. I can reassure you that every change is always approached with the patients best interest at heart, weighing up risk and ensuring patient safety and quality care.

I value your feed back, it is very important to us to learn of the impact we have-good or bad. Please do not hesitate to contact me again.

Kind regards


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