My cousin was permitted to go home with a bleeding aneurism from IRH and advised she would be contacted as a day patient to have it clipped / coiled as a day patient. She was also advised in normal circumstances, she would have been moved directly from IRH to QEUH but due to it being havoc within QEUH, it would be best to send her home as we had a close family funeral to attend.
Her son has been waiting on a phone call all day. Can someone help please?
"Urgent Day Patient appointment for my cousin"
About: Inverclyde Royal Hospital / Accident & Emergency Inverclyde Royal Hospital Accident & Emergency PA16 0XN Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Day surgery Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow Day surgery Glasgow G51 4TF
Posted by delphinusne47 (as ),
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Update posted by delphinusne47 (a relative) 3 years ago
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Update posted by delphinusne47 (a relative) 3 years ago
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