Hello everyone, As Chief of Nursing Services for Hairmyres Hospital it is my responsibility to ensure the nursing care and treatment you receive is safe, person-centred and effective.
We aim to provide the best possible care to the highest standards in a safe and clean environment, but accept there are times when this might not happen. A few issues have been highlighted during inspections by the Healthcare Environment Inspectorate over the past few months.
A number of patients and families interviewed by the inspection team said that they hadn’t received information, or would have liked more information about infection control and hand hygiene. As a result of this my infection control nursing team have been providing additional training and support to all staff groups. We have also:
- Reviewed our signs around the hospital, particularly at ward entrance
- Reviewed the information available for visitors at our ward information points.
- Encouraged visitors to use the alcohol gel dispensers to clean their hands before entering the ward and when they leave
- Discussed infection control and the importance of regular hand washing and provided leaflets to patients at their Pre-assessment appointment and when they are admitted to hospital.
NHS Lanarkshire hand washing video
Please help us reduce the risk of infection when visiting your hospital.
- Stay away from hospital if you have vomiting, diarrhoea, a cold or flu until you feel better
- Use the alcohol gel dispensers to clean your hands – please tell the nursing staff if they are empty
- Use the chairs provided and don’t sit on the beds
- Avoid touching equipment, drips and dressings
- Tell a member of staff if you see something that is dirty, or needs to be cleaned.
If you would like further information about infection control please visit the Infection Control Section of the NHS Lanarkshire website. www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk
If you have an experience of Hairmyres Hospital you would like to share, please speak to a member of staff, respond on Patient Opinion, or visit the “Your Feedback” Section of the NHS Lanarkshire website to see the other ways to get in touch www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk
Kind regards
Keeping clean – handy advice
Keeping clean – handy advice https://www.careopinion.cymru../../resources/lansus1.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from NHS Lanarkshire
Posted by Susan Friel, Director of Nursing, Acute Services, NHS Lanarkshire, on
About: NHS Lanarkshire
Thanks for your feedback.