Hearing from Lanarkshire

Update from Care Opinion Scotland

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About: NHS Lanarkshire

Immersive Reader
picture of Gina Alexander

You won't be surprised to know that we're happy to tell anyone and everyone about the benefits of sharing stories on Patient Opinion or Care Opinion.  From our privileged position we also get to hear about all the great work going on across Scotland where services are working hard to encourage and respond to stories shared.

We've been working with staff from NHS Lanarkshire and people who've used Patient Opinion to give feedback, finding out what they think and how feedback shared in this way is making a difference.

Authors told us:-

"sometimes somebody from the outside can look at something in a totally different way"  John

"I didn’t have any particular expectations from Patient Opinion... but I was really pleased when I got a prompt response and got interest"  Lynette

While staff said:-

"we try to foster an open and transparent culture so you know Patient Opinion is an excellent vehicle for us in that regard"  Rick

"I think the fact that the senior management team have further recognised the impact of Patient Opinion and the comments that have been received I think that’s helped to make staff feel truly valued within the organisation"  Janice

Take a look at the full video clip here and let us know what you think.  

PO Exemplars: NHS Lanarkshire from PatientOpinion on Vimeo.

This video is the latest in our exemplar series, where we showcase positive practice from across the UK in the use of online, independent feedback.

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