We designed Patient Opinion with busy clinicians and clinical teams in mind: to help them hear what patients and relatives are saying about their care. We’d like even more clinical teams, who are enthusiastic about harnessing patient voice to drive improvement, to benefit from the stories shared and it would be good to hear how you think we could support that even further.
In collaboration with Shaun Maher, Clinical Improvement Advisor, Scottish Government, we held a really successful event for clinicians in October 2016 and have decided to host another! It will be in Glasgow this time and we’d would like to invite you to participate. The event will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday 17 May 2017.
During the event we want to:-
- Explain Patient Opinion and the range of clinician-relevant existing features and features in development;
- Find out from what value you see in Patient Opinion: what’s good, what could be better? What benefits can clinical teams gain?
- Explore the barriers and opportunities to using real-time feedback like this in a clinical team?
- Identify models of future use by clinical teams and how we can support that: what models might work and what could we pilot together?
Our confirmed speakers are Dr James Munro, CEO of Patient Opinion, Professor Craig White, Divisional Clinical Lead, Scottish Government and Ian Reeves, Consultant Geriatrician, NHSGGC and Clinical Advisor, SPSO.
If you are interested in participating in this event please get in touch with Gina Alexander by 10 May. Hope to see you there!
Clinicians Event - 17 May 17
Clinicians Event - 17 May 17 https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/0b59b6ea-7ad2-46b0-a23f-78c3f9584d05.jpeg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion Scotland
Posted by Gina Alexander, Director, Care Opinion Scotland, Care Opinion, on
Thanks for your feedback.