Last week we met in Exeter for our Care Opinion South West event. The focus of the day was building a culture of listening and learning from stories.
We heard from both Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust and Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust. They told us about their experiences with Care Opinion so far, and how they have worked to embed online feedback in their organisations.
We were all impressed to hear of the support for Care Opinion from both Exec teams, and this was reflected in that they all receive alerts to stories and reporting via Care Opinion.
Rebecca Baines and John Donovan from Plymouth University also shared their fascinating research on what makes a good response to online feedback.
Guest speakers
Care Opinion in Somerset: Experiences so far
Karen Holden, Associate Director of Patient Centred Care presented with Charmaine Griffiths, Volunteer & Patient Involvement Lead, and Phill Shelley, Facilities Manager.
The talked about how they facilitated staff engagement at every level and how they rolled out the use of Care Opinion across the trust. It was fantastic to hear how far they have come in such a short amount of time and great to hear that Care Opinion is "just part of the culture now"
Getting started with Care Opinion in Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Frazer Underwood, Associate Director of Nursing spoke with energy and enthusiasm about the work RCHT has done at the start of their Care Opinion subscription and all the things they have in the pipeline.
What do people want to see in a response to their online feedback?
Rebecca Baines and John Donovan spoke about their research on what people really want in a reply to their feedback. They shared their findings, how they used this to evaluate existing responses to mental health stories shared on Care Opinion, and how they distilled their suggestions into a handy framework for staff responders.
A couple of days later Becky presented an online webinar on this and you can see our blog post for the recording.
The Care Opinion team
I presented the features of the Care Opinion website available to subscribers, this included the different reports and visualisations as well as story management tools in the form of subscriber tagging and digests
James Munro, our CEO, gave two presentations;
The first was at the start of the day to set the scene, this was on the growth of online feedback and our mission, values and service.
The second one, to wrap up the event, explored how Care Opinion is being used to build a culture of listening, learning and improving.
It was an inspiring day and I think all the attendees (including all of us at Care Opinion) came away inspired and buzzing with new ideas!
Thank you to our wonderful speakers who took the time out of their busy schedules to share their learning, and thank you to everyone who attended for your thoughtful contributions. We can't wait to do it all again! ;)
Exeter: Building a culture of listening with online feedback
Exeter: Building a culture of listening with online feedback https://www.careopinion.cymru/resources/blog-resources/1-images/bc31a9ac23454f499799ca3e5d36fd8b.jpg Care Opinion 0114 281 6256 https://www.careopinion.org.uk /content/uk/logos/co-header-logo-2020-default.pngUpdate from Care Opinion
Posted by Sarah Ashurst, Associate Director, Service Quality, Care Opinion CIC, on
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