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The tag '{{name}}' was mentioned in {{count}} stories
All stories about Oaklands Children’s Short Break Unit, Craigavon Area Hospital / Blossom Ward (Paediatrics), Craigavon Area Hospital / Blossom (Paediatric Outpatient dept), Craigavon Area Hospital / Neonatal Unit, Daisy Hill Hospital / Daisy Paediatric Ward, Daisy Hill Hospital / Children’s Outpatient dept, Daisy Hill Hospital / Paediatric Ambulatory Ward (PAW), Daisy Hill Hospital / Paediatric Theatres (6th Floor), Daisy Hill Hospital / Special Care Baby Unit, Children and Young People Services published between 30/09/2024 and 31/12/2024: what could be improved?
By Christine Armstrong, Care Opinion Facilitator, Executive Directorate of Nursing Midwifery, AHP’s and Functional Support Services, Southern Health and Social Care Trust
This visualisation uses stories published between 30/09/2024 and 31/12/2024
generated on demand 02/01/2025
tag cloud (negative)
About the tag cloud
This is an interactive tag cloud. Click on any word to see stories relating to this tag.